viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011

Situacion Ibex a 04/11/2011. Bombazo 2.0 getting ready?

How does it feel when what happened the current week just happens? Did you feel fear? Did you get angry? Did you feel helplessness? Did you feel like catching a plane, flying to Athens and slapping twice Papandreu´s face? Those are understandable feelings and reactions.
But Papandreu only represents the shameful and irresponsible kind of politicians we have ruling Europe. Their behaviour is just unacceptable. 
Nevertheless, I can´t believe that Merkel and Sarkozy didn´t know Papandreu´s plans of holding a referendum.  So, if they did know Papandreu was going to announce the referendum, German and French banks must have won much money and they may have taken advantage of the situation to send greek bonds before  the fall of markets.

In any case, 8800 and 9300 both are levels to keep an eye on in order to continue going up. Maybe we can see an awesome bullfight 2.0. booner than later.

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