martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

Grecia, the rotten apple in the basket (la manzana podrida)

It´s always the same. You have a beautiful basket of fruit on the center of  the kitchen table and in 5 days time, there will be a rotten apple in the bottom of the basket. 
What would you do? The answer is clear: throw the rotten piece away  in order to avoid the rest of fruit get affected.

This is what´s happening now in the UE. Greece is rotten, broken, bankrupt. 
It seems inminent that Greece ends up giving up the euro. Right now, it seems there is no any alternative solution than abandon the euro and devaluate its currency like Argentina did in 2002. So maybe we´ll see another Corralito in Europa, unthinkable some years ago but now, a reality.
In any case, a corralito in Greece will be positive in the long term, as Argentina´s economic growth showed years after it .
When all this happens,what are  the markets going to do? Obviously they´ll collapse, crash to the hell.......but perhaps, maybe,  it might happen the price of the shares have already taken it for granted....Let´s hope so!

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